Film and animation instruments for your presentation

The leveraging effect of good visualisation

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The most important tool a teacher has is their blackboard. The fundamental concern of every educator is illustrating what they mean and conveying it in a clear manner.
StudioSeminar can help you optimise your content. With us, you can produce all sorts of illustrations: Sketches, drawings, animations, 3D animations, explanation films, and much more. We primarily produce film and scenic dialogues.

Scenes stay on your mind

Well-executed acted scenes and dialogues can make mandatory further education, video tutorials, or training sessions for salesmen, employees, or patients more entertaining and interesting. The long-term effect of education can be strengthened significantly by means of great scenes and authentic dialogue in online presentations, e-learning, and internet training.

〉 More information about acted scenes…

Animations for complex content

Fandel TabletWEB
Sketching is highly popular amongst our speakers, and StudioSeminar offers convenient ways to technically implement classic drawing with a pen and colours into video presentations. But we can also produce modern animations, from simply introducing or dynamically highlighting relevant terms or even highly complex 3D animations, e.g. for product training or operating instruction videos online.

〉 More info about animations…

Think about seminars for personnel management, sales training, or training sessions about the right customer contact. Generally, a scenic representation with believable actors or authentic employees provides a significant broadening of perspectives for any employee training session. And a great animation will always aid in highlighting the training objective for a technical explanation or an academic lecture.